Book 6 / 10. Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain.
A must-read for individuals, families, and medical practitioners that opens a new door in psychiatric healthcare.
Updated to cover the latest scientific developments, a must-read for individuals, families, and medical practitioners that opens a new door in psychiatric health care.
Psychiatry has made great advances in the past fifty years but needs a new direction. Today’s emphasis on psychiatric drugs will not stand the test of time. Recent advances in epigenetics and the molecular biology of the brain have provided a roadmap for the development of effective, natural, drug-free therapies that do not produce serious side effects. Psychiatric medications have served society well over the last fifty years, but the need for drug therapies will fade away as science advances.
Nutrient Power presents a science-based nutrient therapy system that can help millions of people diagnosed with mental disorders. This approach recognizes that nutrient imbalances can alter brain levels of key neurotransmitters, disrupt gene expression of proteins and enzymes, and cripple the body’s protection against environmental toxins. The author’s database containing millions of chemical factors in blood, urine, and tissues has identified brain-changing nutrient imbalances in patients diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, behavior disorders, depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. This book describes individualized nutrient therapy treatments that have produced thousands of reports of recovery. Walsh’s approach is more scientific than the trial-and-error use of psychiatric drugs and is aimed at a true normalization of the brain.
Depression, schizophrenia, and ADHD are umbrella terms that encompass disorders with widely differing brain chemistries and symptoms. Nutrient Power describes nutrient therapies tailored to specific types. Other book highlights include the Walsh Theory of Schizophrenia, a new way to look at autism, a promising new treatment for Alzheimer’s, and recommendations for reducing crime and violence.
”Bill Walsh is not a Renaissance man: he’s a Renaissance scientist. He invented a lithium battery that has been used in cars and hearts; he won the Abram Hoffer Doctor of the Year award, although he is a chemical engineer; he found the physical causes of violence, sociopathic behavior, depression, schizophrenia, and a dozen other troubling behaviors―and he found the treatments too; his studies are elegant and often commissioned by the National Institutes of Health, and his work on autism is as original as the man himself. This book could change medical history.”
–Marguerite, Kelly, syndicated columnist, The Washington Post
”With Nutrient Power, Bill Walsh joins Linus Pauling, Carl Pfeiffer, and Abe Hoffer on the Mount Rushmore of behavioral nutrition. I was one of those doctors who emerged from medical school blind to nutrition. Bill Walsh opened my eyes to unsuspected nutritional needs, which saved my son. That could happen in your family, too.”
–Dr. Woody McGinnis, autism researcher
”A necessary must for practicing physicians, patients and families! This book opens a new door in psychiatric healthcare. When all else has failed, read this book.”
–Dr. Albert Mensah, Warrenville, Illinois
”What began as a quest to help my then-3-year-old daughter has resulted not only in her recovery but has become the journey of a lifetime! Dr. Walsh is a revolutionary thinker who guides us into the emerging world of biochemical balancing, the growing body of research into epigenetics, and understanding how these fields relate so they can be applied right here, right now.”
–Susan Lambert, California parent
Dr. William J. Walsh is a scientist with more than thirty years of research experience. He received his doctorate in chemical engineering from Iowa State University. Dr. Walsh has been working for the last thirty years to develop biochemical treatment protocols for patients with behavior disorders, ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. He is the author of more than two hundred scientific articles and reports. Dr. Walsh lives and works outside of Chicago, Illinois.
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