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Pineal Gland Decalcification: How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland (And Why It’s VERY Important) by Scott Jeffrey.

OVERVIEW: What is the pineal gland? What does it do? Why does the pineal get calcified? What is pineal gland decalfication and do you do it? We explore this and more in this in-depth guide.


Travel deep into the center of your brain, and you’ll find a pinecone-shaped gland.

The size of only a grain of rice, this tiny gland plays an essential role in how we sleep, function, and perceive reality.

A healthy-functioning pineal is essential for restorative sleep, higher cognitive functioning, and spiritual awakening.

What is the Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland is a pinecone-shaped gland located in the brain’s center. It receives information in the form of light from the eyes and sends out hormonal signals to the rest of the body.

The pineal gland plays a vital role in growth, reproduction, mood, sleeping, dreaming, immune functioning, and regulating body temperature.

This vital gland has been called the “regulator of regulators.”

What is the Pineal Gland’s Function?

how to decalcify the pineal gland

The pineal gland acts as the body’s light meter. It receives light information from the eyes and then sends out hormonal messages to the body.

This tiny gland transmits information about the length of daylight, commonly called circadian rhythm to the body.

The pineal gland tells every other part of your body whether it’s light or dark out, what season you’re in, and whether days are getting longer or shorter.

Momentarily remove yourself from our modern environment with clocks and calendars, and you’ll immediately appreciate the vital role this gland plays in maintaining our connection with nature.

According to a paper in the Journal of Pineal Research, the pineal gland also plays a major role in regulating body temperature.1

In Light: Medicine of the Future, Jacob Liberman explains,2

“Today, the pineal is recognized as playing a major role in every aspect of human function. It acts as the “regulator of regulators.” Aside from its documented effects on reproductive function, growth, body temperature, blood pressure, motor activity, sleep, tumor growth, mood, and the immune system, it also seems to be a factor in longevity.”

Melatonin and the Pineal Gland

How does the pineal transmit information about the time of day and season to the rest of the body?

As part of the endocrine system, the pineal synthesizes and secretes a hormone called melatonin directly into the bloodstream.

Melatonin is a serotonin-derived hormone that modulates sleep patterns.

By inhibiting the release of certain reproductive hormones from the pituitary gland, melatonin affects our reproductive organs in both males and females.

The pineal also secretes more melatonin in children than adults, which is believed to inhibit premature sexual development. After puberty, the pineal shrinks and releases less melatonin.

Light exposure to our eyes mainly determines how much melatonin the pineal synthesizes and secretes.

We produce less melatonin in daylight hours and increase secretion during the night.

What is Pineal Gland Calcification?

calcified pineal gland

Unlike most of our brains, the blood-brain barrier doesn’t isolate the pineal gland from the rest of our body. Instead, the pineal gets a tremendous amount of blood flow, second only to the kidneys.

Surrounded by and immersed in cerebrospinal fluid, this gland sits in a tiny cave-like area behind and above the pituitary gland.

In the 1990s, British scientist Jennifer Luke discovered high concentrations of fluoride in the pineal gland of her subjects.3

Fluoride, commonly found in most municipal water as well as pesticides, accumulates in the pineal more than any other part of the body.

This accumulation of fluoride forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard shell around the pineal called calcification.

What is Pineal Gland Decalcification?

Simply put, pineal gland decalcification removes phosphate crystals surrounding the pineal gland.

There are numerous methods, protocols, and stages for pineal gland decalcification.

First, you need to stop introducing chemical agents like synthetic fluoride into your body.

Next, you do rounds of detoxification protocols to reduce existing calcification and chelate (remove) various foreign agents like heavy metals from your bloodstream.

Finally, you establish proper pineal gland functioning by restoring the body’s natural clock.

(This four-part guide covers the entire pineal gland decalcification process.)

pineal gland decalcification

Documented Effects of Pineal Gland Calcification

Studies show that pineal gland calcification:

  • Lowers productions of melatonin4
  • Impairs the sleep-wake cycle5
  • Disrupts the regulation of the circadian rhythm
  • Impairs neurological development in children6

Fluoridated water is believed to be one of the chief causes of calcification in the pineal gland.

Evidence suggests that children reach puberty earlier now because of fluoridated water.7

Fluoride exposure in animal studies has been found to decrease melatonin and lead to accelerated sexual development in females.8

A November 2019 study published in Biological Trace Element Research found that when they fed male rats a diet free of fluoride, it stimulated pineal growth.9

Simply put, when our pineal gland is calcified, we’re out of balance with nature, impeding proper biological and brain functioning.

Why is Pineal Gland Decalcification So Important

Obviously, we don’t want to:

  • Lower the production of melatonin,
  • Throw off the circadian rhythm, or
  • Mess with our reproductive functioning.

And these are only some of the consequences of a calcified pineal gland.

Sleep is a vital biological function designed to restore the body each night. When the pineal gland is calcified, it is believed to affect the quality of our sleep.

Poor sleep, a topic we’ll cover in Part 3, reduces our cognitive functioning while making us more prone to illness.

In many ways, the pineal is our body’s connection with the natural world. Sever that connection (via calcification) and what happens?

You have a population mostly disconnected from their instincts—from the Earth and each other.

Without a properly functioning pineal gland, we are more susceptible to trickery, manipulation, propaganda, and ideologies. With an impaired pineal gland, false belief systems shape our worldview and poor decisions plague us.

Simply put, a calcified pineal gland limits our marvelous potential.

I’ve yet to meet a self-actualizing individual who doesn’t want to be more awake. Pineal gland decalcification, restoration, and activation are vital to our spiritual awakening. Doing so helps us restore our innate functioning and clears our perception of reality.

3 Steps to Pineal Gland Decalcification

To decalcify the pineal gland, we need to do three primary things:

Step 1: Eliminate certain foods and environmental factors causing further calcification.

Step 2: Remove existing pineal calcification and repair the blood.

Step 3: Restore the circadian rhythm and create an environment that supports healthy pineal gland functioning.

We’ll focus on step 1 in the remainder of this guide and address step 2 in the vital Pineal Gland Detox and step 3 in Part 3: Block Blue Light and Restore the Circadian Rhythm.

Finally, this pineal gland series will conclude with ways to activate the higher functioning capabilities of the pineal (Part 4).

How to Reduce Further Calcification

Numerous substances cause pineal gland calcification, but the two primary culprits are synthetic fluoride and calcium.

Eliminating your consumption and exposure to fluoride and synthetic calcium will help stop further pineal gland calcification.

Note: I’m aware that the topic of fluoride, especially its use in the public water supply, is a controversial issue for some. I don’t claim to be an expert here. However, I have invested countless hours reading available literature and studies related to this topic. Given the evidence I’ve seen (much of which I’m presenting in this series), I’ve reached my conclusion. You, of course, will need to reach your own.

Is Fluoride Really A Bad Thing?

Fifty percent of the world’s municipal drinking water is fluoridated. Most developed nations, however, do not fluoridate their water.

For example, in Western Europe, only 3% of the population consumes fluoridated water.10

However, if you live in the United States and your source of water comes from a public water supply (as opposed to a private well), there’s a 73% chance your water has fluoride.11

More people drink and shower in fluoridated water in the United States than the rest of the world combined.

But is that a bad thing? (Doesn’t fluoride prevent tooth decay? We’ll cover that topic in the toothpaste section below.)

Many studies show the dangers of fluoride consumption:

There’s much more research available, but you get the idea.

Flurodinated water causes a host of diseases while reducing the body’s natural functioning. Pineal gland decalcification starts with reducing and/or eliminating fluoride consumption.

Natural Fluoride versus Synthetic Fluoride

pineal gland fluorideFluorite crystals

The fluoride debate is misleading because many people fail to differentiate between natural fluoride and synthetic fluoride.

Natural fluorite is a trace mineral. It’s an aqua-colored stone, found in the earth like any other mineral.

Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride. But calcium fluoride isn’t what’s put in our water supply, pesticides, or herbicides.

The fluoride in public water is made of non-pharmaceutical-grade synthetic materials like hydrofluoric acid or sodium fluoride.

These compounds are toxic chemical byproducts of aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufacturing.13

Synthetic fluorides are also hazardous waste products of the phosphate fertilizer industry.

Hydrofluoric acid is used to refine gasoline and to make many products, including air conditioners, freezers, computer screens, fluorescent light bulbs, plastics, and pesticides.

And these fluoride chemicals are added to the majority of our water supply!

The Case Against Fluoride

In The Case Against Fluoride, Paul Connett and two other scientists explain how fluoride harms our brains, bones, and kidneys.14

There are, for example, over 75 studies showing that fluoride reduces human intelligence.15

As Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network put it:

“When historians come to write about this period, they will single out fluoridation as the single biggest mistake in public policy that we’ve ever had.”

For another well-researched book on this topic, see Christopher Bryson’s The Fluoride Deception.

Pineal Gland Decalcification: How to Reduce Fluoride and Chlorine Consumption

If you live in the United States and you have public water, there’s a better-than-average chance you have both fluoride and chlorine in your water supply.

Chlorine is in the same class of chemicals (called halides) as fluoride.

Chlorine also has calcifying effects on the pineal gland. Unfortunately, chlorine is also in virtually all of our public water supply.

To find out for certain, you can contact your local municipality and request a water report.

If you aren’t on public water, scroll down past this section (to toothpaste).

Assuming your water is fluoridated and chlorinated, the best solution is to filter your water as best as you can.

How to Choose a Water Filter for Pineal Gland Decalcification

The challenge is that fluoride is very difficult to filter out of our water. Most commercial filters don’t filter fluoride. (Chlorine is easier to filter.)

There are two main types of filters: reverse osmosis and carbon blocks.

Generally speaking, reverse osmosis filters are better at removing fluoride.

Quality carbon mesh filters effectively filter almost everything except fluoride. (However, a few exceptions are listed below).

Does Your Filter Need to be NSF Certified?

NSF is a third-party, not-for-profit testing agency that rates water filters. NSF stands for National Sanitation Foundation (not “Science”).

In the original version of this article, I said it was essential to get something that’s NSF-certified. However, I no longer believe that’s necessary.

Similar to organizations like the WHO and the CDC, the National Sanitation Foundation takes private funding; it’s not a “government organization.” This means that their financial backing can influence their current and future decisions.

Also, NSF charges a hefty annual fee for being “NSF-certified.” It’s understandable why many innovative upstarts don’t want to pay that fee.

Even if a water filtration brand isn’t NSF-certified, it should be tested using NSF/ANSI standard testing protocols. Also, they should publish their latest lab results on their website for public review. (All of the products listed below qualify.)

Below are the ones I’ve researched and vetted for this guide. The filters (called media) for each brand meet/exceed the NSF testing protocols.

(Disclaimer: The products recommended below have affiliate links. This does not affect what you pay at all. In fact, in most cases, you can use the discount codes provided below for additional discounts.)

Drinking Water Filters – Above Sink Filters

Commercial Brands of Toothpaste Lead to Pineal Gland Calcification

Doesn’t fluoride prevent tooth decay? Isn’t that why cities put fluoride in our water supply in the first place?

That’s what I thought too. However, the evidence doesn’t support this claim. In fact, the data clearly shows there’s no difference in tooth decay between nations that fluoridate their water and those that don’t.16

Even though 97% of Europe bans fluoride, tooth decay has decreased considerably.17

The Cochrane Collaboration, a group of doctors and researchers, set out to determine the effects of fluoride on dental care.18

They found only ten studies with sufficient scientific rigor. These papers determined that “fluoridation does not reduce cavities to a statistically significant degree in permanent teeth.”

Ninety-five percent of commercial toothpaste brands have fluoride. I recommend you avoid using all commercial brands of toothpaste. Not only do they include fluoride, but they also contain many other toxic chemicals including sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). SLS is a cheap thickening agent found in most soaps including your laundry detergent.

Use an Alternative Toothpaste for Pineal Gland Decalcification

You can find many alternative toothpaste makers available like OraWellness and Tooth Soap.

I use Tooth Soap. It’s made with olive oil, coconut oil, distilled water, and essential oils. You just need a few drops of the liquid. One bottle lasts months. It’s a different experience, but I didn’t find it difficult to adjust to it.

Or you can make your own with coconut oil and baking soda.

Be Wary of Calcium Supplements

Calcium is essential for strong bones, right?

Yes, but when that calcium is in a synthetic form, it too has a calcifying effect on the pineal gland and other places in the body.

Did someone tell you it’s important to take calcium supplements?

One Harvard study links calcium supplements with dementia.19

Calcium supplements are also linked to a higher rate of heart attack in older women.20

Most calcium supplements contain calcium carbonate, a known calcifying agent.

If you need additional calcium in your diet, consume more organic whole foods like spinach, kale, and broccoli.

Brands like Megafood use food-derived supplementation instead of synthetics.

Also, pairing magnesium with calcium helps direct the calcium into the bones instead of the brain.

Avoid Bottled and Instant Teas

I used to drink a fair amount of hot tea, mainly organic green tea. So when I began seeing articles linking tea consumption and fluoride levels, I was concerned.

Green and black tea are loaded with antioxidants. So how do you get the benefits from tea without the fluoride?

Research shows that young tea leaves have far more antioxidants than older leaves.21

With fluoride, thankfully, it’s the reverse: the older the leaves, the higher the fluoride levels.

“White teas” have the least fluoride and most antioxidants.

For example, try Uncle Les’s Tea- Organic White Tea or Prince of Peace Organic White Tea.

Commercial brands like Lipton, Nestea, and AriZona, have twice as much fluoride as public water.22

Obviously, these brands use older, lower-quality sources of tea.

It’s best to avoid bottled tea, instant teas, and any low-priced commercial brands of tea if you’re interested in pineal gland decalcification.

A Green and Black Tea Alternative

But white tea is low in caffeine. So if you’re drinking tea for an energy boost, white tea may not cut it.

Another viable option if you’re a tea drinker is Yerba Mate.

This popular South American tea contains five times more antioxidants than green tea as well as a clean source of caffeine.

Yerba Mate also has a fifth of the amount of fluoride found in green tea.23

Yerba Mate provides several hours of enhanced mental clarity and increased energy without a sharp drop-off afterward.

If you’re going to drink it, consider getting the unsmoked variety as anything smoked is likely more carcinogenic.

Ditch Your Nonstick Cookware and Other PFCs

Again, for pineal gland decalcification, you must stop doing all the common “modern things” people do that lead to further calcification.

Most non-stick coatings on cookware contain PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs).

As you can see in these names, they are fluoride-based substances that are both toxic and calcifying.

So swap your nonstick cookware with stainless steel, ceramic, glass, or cast iron cookware.

Other products that contain PFCs include stain-proof clothing, flame-retardant products, stain-resistant carpeting, and packaging for greasy foods.

Avoid Eating Processed Foods for Pineal Gland Decalcification

Conventionally-grown produce sprayed with pesticides as well as processed foods are a double-whammy for pineal gland calicification.

Pesticides, Herbicides, and Fluoride

Fluoride’s high toxicity makes it an effective ingredient in commercial pesticides.

Two types of pesticides sprayed on foods use fluoride: cryolite and sulfuryl fluoride.24

Cryolite is used heavily on grape products.

According to a 2005 USDA study, the average fluoride level in white grapes juice, white wine, and raisins is over 2 ppm (that’s twice as much as fluoride in public water).

Many farmers also spray cryolite on produce including broccoli, kale, and cabbage.

Processed Foods, Fluoride, and Synthetic Calcium

Virtually all processed foods have some form of synthetic calcium: calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, or dicalcium phosphate.

All of these forms of calcium lead to calcification.

Additionally, food-processing facilities use sulfuryl fluoride to fumigate their facilities as well as the food, both of which contaminate food with fluoride.

So if you’re interested in decalcifying the pineal gland, you now have one more reason to eat organic, whole (unprocessed) foods.

Bottom line: Do your best to avoid processed foods and “conventionally grown produce” (produce grown with pesticides). Consume as much organic, non-genetically modified (non-GMO) produce and foods as you can. If you eat animal products, ensure they are organic, grain-free, free-range, antibiotic-free, and hormone-free.

Recap: How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

The pineal is a tiny gland at the center of our brain. This gland is responsible for managing our biological clock, our sleep-wake cycle, reproductive system, growth, and much more.

This gland tends to get calcified because of many harmful environmental factors that affect modern humans.

Synthetic fluoride, chlorine, and calcium are the chief causes of calcification.

Pineal gland decalcification is imperative for anyone interested in self-development and self-leadership.

In many respects, pineal gland decalcification is an important state in the process of becoming more human.

How to decalcify your pineal gland:

  1. Use fluoride filters to minimize fluoride intake from public water.
  2. Use alternative, fluoride-free toothpaste.
  3. Stop taking calcium supplements with synthetic calcium.
  4. Avoid using nonstick cookware with PFOA and PFC.
  5. Eat organic whole foods.
  6. Avoid processed foods and foods sprayed with pesticides.

So that summarizes Part 1: Pineal Gland Decalcification. Start by eliminating or substantially reducing the conditions causing calcification.

Now, it’s time to detoxify the pineal gland and chelate heavy metals from your blood. That’s the topic of Part 2.

Read Next: Pineal Gland Decalcification Series

Part 1: Pineal Gland Decalcification (You Are Here)
Part 2: Pineal Gland Detox with Supplements
Part 3: Block Blue Light (Restore the Circadian Rhythm)
Part 4: Activate Your Pineal Gland

Filtered Water Pitcher

water pitcher fluoride filter


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